Monday, October 29, 2007

Down days

You know that feeling you get when nothing seems to be worth it anymore. Well I've had it for almost 4 days now. Seems like everything you do or say is wrong. I feel like filling up the car and driving until I run out of gas and doing it over and over again until I run out of money. All the while never turning around, moving in a straight line, to no where in particular.

Friday as I wrote earlier was the start of my feeling worthless and unnecessary. Saturday was not much better. Sunday ended with family problems and today, I seem to be coming down with a cold or maybe the flu. I feel like crap. My head hurts, throat hurts, I feel like I can't get enough air in my lungs and my back and legs hurt. Wednesday is Halloween and I'm really not in the holiday mood.

My kids today were quite well behaved. I informed them that I really was not feeling well so they must have tried to cut me some slack. The school environment did not help my feeling sick today. The temperature of my classroom never rose above 60 all day. My students and I wore a coat all day to try to keep warm. My foster grandmothers, older individuals who are in the room to help children in need, went home after lunch. They were freezing. I don't blame them. I would have left too if I could have.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, the final day for work to go on this 9 week report. Tuesday night I will be grading any papers that are piled up, inserting those into the grade book and averaging grades. All work and no play is making me crazy. I really need a break, I might take a day Thursday or Friday. I might not have a choice if I don't start feeling better. A doctor's visit and a new bill just what I need to boost my moral. Woo Ho!

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