Thursday, October 18, 2007

Classroom Observations

As a new teacher, I must be evaluated by my supervisor (principal) a certain number of times a year. I always hated to be the center of attention by adults. I get an extreme amount of butterflies and devastating stage fright. I break into cold sweats and my heart rate rises to an alarming rate.

My day was Thursday, my first evaluation of the year. Being evaluated by your superior is nerve racking, but for some reason I don't seem to go into the fits as mentioned above. I plan all of my lessons down to the last detail. I usually know exactly what I am going to say and do before I begin. I guess this could be one of the reasons I don't mind so much.

Another reason I believe is because it is a controlled environment, one which I am comfortable in. I am a teacher, I teach children, so what is there to be nervous about. I love to teach and the group that I have this year is very receptive to how and what I am trying to get across to them. I can act crazy, raise my voice, sing and even dance in front of my students without feeling silly or stupid.

During my planning period today, I found out my results from Thursday. Now I was nervous. What if I did something wrong? What if she didn't like how I taught? Can I accept her criticisms without taking them as personal? Will she want me to change my approach or my mannerisms?

I walk in, sit down, and try to prepare myself for a beating. I am shocked and amazed. She begins by stating that she appreciates me. ME! She began to show all of the good things that I was doing in the classroom. Many of which I did not realize that I was even doing. She commended me on my planning and preparedness. Wow! She noticed that! I was ready for the worst and got the best out of this encounter.

I guess my being ready for the worst in the classroom, brought out the best in my classroom.

1 comment:

Greg_Cruey said...

I was there. And I never would have guessed you were nervous about it...