Sunday, July 27, 2014

Been a really long time

It has been almost 3 years since I even thought about this site. Sitting here at 2:45 in the morning, it just occurs to me that I even have one. Alot has happened in the past few years, way more than I can write at one time. So I will just hit the highlights and hopefully discuss the rest at a later time.

First and foremost I lost the love of my life a little over a year ago. We would have been married for 25 years this past October. It was sudden and completely horrible. I miss him so much and would do just about anything to have him with me again.

As a result of his passing, I really got to see the true side of his family. I was basically ignored and not acknowledged by most, not all, of them. I have still been in contact with his father and the only reason for that is Sabrina. If she had not been here, they probably would have never talked to me at all. I would never have guessed that a family that accepted me for all those years and acted like they truely loved me would have acted that way. Oh, well the way I look at it is one day they will have to answer for it.

I now have three grandchildren with another on the way. Skyler and Seth will be four this year and Miss Sydnee will be two in a month or so. I love them very much and spend as much time as I can, which has been a lot this summer, with them.

I got down in my back this past Februray and have been seeing a Chiropractor ever since. At first it was everyday and now it is just once a week. I haven't been doing really well since I went to once a week, so I think I will have to do it more often.

Sabrina, my beautiful and talented daughter, will be ten next month. I can't believe how she is growing and maturing. She is still quite small for her age and she is very self conscious about the fact, but she is beautiful. She can still wear a size 6x-7 in clothes, which makes her perfect for her new sport. She has joined a competition cheer team in Princeton, West Virginia and I am very proud of her progress. We have traveled the 45 minutes one way three to four days a week for practices, workshops and clinics and she is blossoming. Her first competition is not until December so I know she will be ready at that time.

I am looking at moving away from Tazewell soon. I need a change and Sabrina is going to be finishing elementary school this coming year, so it won't be too rough on her to move. I have been looking southward, the only thing that bothers me is my sons and my grandchildren. I know that moving away will leave them on their own and I am not sure that they can handle it on their own. My mom keeps telling me to cut the cord and let them make it on their own, but I really have a hard time letting go.

Well its now 3:15  a.m. and I really should be in bed, especially since I have my two grandsons that will be up and raring to go at around 9 in the morning. Love my kids, my grandkids, but uncertain about my life and the direction its going. Decisions, decisions, maybe I will dream of him and he will help me choose the right path. Love you Stacy Bennett!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Things Have Changed

Over the past year, my life has taken many twists and turns. I became a grandmother to two wonderful grandsons, Skyler and Seth, in the last few months and have found that life is never easy. I love my family with all of my heart and would do anything that I could to keep them from harm. I hate to see my children in pain or having to worry about life in general.
I know that they must venture out on their own and find their way in this world. I only wish that life would take it a little easier on them. I hope that one day they will understand all that I try to do for them. I only want the best for them and their new families.
I am still very much in love with my husband, even after all of these years. He can make me soooo mad at times, but I know that if needed he would die or even kill for me. As he grows older, he has mellowed and isn't the wild child that he once was.
Boy am I glad, because our daughter has taken that job for him. She continues to grow older and, based on what she believes, smarter than her parents. She is wide open most days, but very caring as well. I love her more and more everyday.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Looking Ahead

I wonder if anyone even looks at these posts anymore, considering I haven't written in a really long while, but I will write down a few of my thoughts tonight.

I have worked pretty hard today and this evening trying to rearrange my house tonight for the new arrivals that are going to get here really soon.

My two grandbabies, Skyler and Seth, are quickly approaching. My daughter in law Lisa has been working right along side of me all day and she is still going. I on the other hand am worn out.

Joe and his girlfriend Mandy moved in last week, so we now have 7 people living in our home. When the babies get here, it will boost the total to 9. Talk about little bitty living space, we are going to see how it really feels.

I have often wondered how people in other countries have multiple generations living under one roof. How the get along with each other, where they all sleep, etc. and now I guess I will be living it myself. So I guess I will let you know some of the answers to my previous questions soon.

I would not change it for the world, though. I will be able to play a larger part in my grandchildrens lives if they are living with me. Well I guess I have written as much as my mind can think of right now. I will write again, just don't know when that will be. TTFN

Monday, January 19, 2009

Been a While

It's been a while since I wrote anything here or anywhere for that matter. I have been swamped with the day to day grind of living. All of this will change in the next couple of days though.

I will be heading to the local hospital on Wednesday for the dreaded hysterectomy. No! not because I am having problems, but as a safety precaution.

It all started about 17 years ago when one of my yearly exams produced an abnormal pap. I just ignored it and about 5 years ago or so I got pregnant again. My new doctor did the pap and again it came back abnormal. I waited until after my daughter was born to have any further tests. I had a small biopsy taken and the doctor stated that for the following 3 years he wanted me in the office every 3 months for another pap.

Well during this time I finished school and began my career. I did not return for any of my follow up appointments. Finally 4 years later, I decided that I might need to return for a year exam. I was hoping for a normal pap this time, HA! Same as before abnormal. I returned a month later to have a small biopsy, which turned out to be inconclusive.

About 2 months later I underwent a leep procedure (cone biopsy) under general anesthesia in the hospital and the week before Christmas I was told the results. Its not really bad, I quess. I have severe displasia (or pre-cancer cells on my cervix). I doctor states that where it is and how much of the cervix is affected will be hard to track changes, so he recommended a total hysterectomy.

I told him that I would think about it and let him know soon. I worried over Christmas break and I am still worrying, but I made a decision. With my family's and co-worker's support I have decided to dive in to the world of getting older and have my first major surgery. I returned to the doctor's office last week and told him to set it up and do it quick before I change my mind. He did not hesitate, so I go in Wednesday.

I am still terrified, but at least I know that it will soon be over. I have my pre-op appointment at the hospital today. You know, sign the papers, talk to the anesthesiologist(not sure about the spelling), and do the lab work. It has been snowing for the past couple of days and we are expecting more. I hope that I will be able to get there.

Anyways my life for the next 4-6 weeks will be moving at a snails pace, so I might actually get time to write on here. It will probably be a welcome release and a boredom quieter.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What a "Great Start" to Summer Vacation

My last day of work at school was June 10th and I was looking forward to having time off. "Yeah, Right" I've had one relaxing, do nothing day so far and that was June 11th.

On June 11th, my sons received their final report cards for the year. I reluctantly opened them, knowing that I was not going to like what I would find. Shane, my oldest son, did decent (not great, but passing). His report card stated that he would need to take English 10 during summer school, before he could advance to a senior next year. Yes I said English 10. He was a junior last year taking his 3rd year of English 9 and 2nd year of English 10. He finally passed English 9 with flying colors this year. He even received an award for being top of his class. He should after 3 years of the same material.

My youngest son, Joey did very poorly on his report. He took 7 classes during his freshman year of high school. He passed (with a D) in only one of those classes. Want to guess which class it was? GYM! He is going to be retained in 9th grade next year, but I am still making him take World Geography and Algebra 1 part 1 during summer school.

Two days after my last day of work, I begin my second job. Taxi Driver! I roll out of bed at 7:00 each morning Monday - Friday and force the boys out of bed. I make the 20 minute drive to the high school to drop them off and return home. Then at 2:00 I make the trip again to pick them up and transport them to work unless I get lucky and they both have the day off. Most days I am not.

Depending on the day, I will make at least one more trip to town to retrieve them from work. More often than not I will have to make two more trips, when one gets off work at 9 and the other gets off at 11 or 12. I have spent more time driving and waiting than I would have in a regular full time job.

Shane will end his summer school term 1 next Friday, but Joey will be in for term 1 and 2. His last day will be July 16th, so it looks like my summer vacation will be quite a bit shorter than first anticipated.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Home Stretch

I am in my final week of classes through Marshall University and WV learns. I have learned many new and interesting ideas through these classes.

One class that I am taking is called Special Students in the Regular Classroom. It is a course specifically in helping to implement UDL - Universal Design for Learning. If you would like to read about UDL here is the website:

In the course of the class we have had the opportunity to try many new software products that could help us in implementing UDL. Here are three that I especially enjoyed and feel would be a wonderful tools in my classroom.

  • CleverKeys: a software programs that allows individuals to have instant access to definitions, synonyms and facts. This can be used with teacher and student created work as well as web pages and email. This will help to boost comprehension for all students.
  • Textaloud: Uses voice software to convert text into spoken language. I can also be used with teacher and student created work as well as web pages and email. This is a great program to help students who have a difficult time reading and it is also a great proofreading tool.
  • Intellitools Classroom Suite 4 features: Reading instruction aligned with national standards, Math instruction targeting number sense and automaticity, Writing templates across many genres, Creativity tools for whole class instruction and student presentations, Early Learning activities for emergent learners. Students have access to many graphic organizers and learning activities to help increase learning.

The other class that I am taking is 21st Century Teaching and Learning in Science. Since I was a science major in college I felt that I would have some background knowledge in this area. I found that many technologies exist that I never realized were available, but 21st Century learning is not just about technology.

It includes collaboration and communication (teach students to do both of these), Thinking skills and assessments (used to see if learning is occurring),Evaluating and applying instructional models (research based teaching) and teacher roles (changing what a teacher is in the classroom). All schools are working toward 21st century learning and I think that with the completion of this class I have a better understanding of what this includes.

Although these classes have taken a great deal of time to complete (about 4-6 hours a week for the past 6 weeks) I feel that I have learned material that will help me in the future.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Computer literacy training

At the ripe old age of 3, Sabrina has begun her computer training. I introduced her to my laptop this week and she loves it. She likes to play playstation and her v-tech game, so she took to the computer like a fish to water. She fusses now to get on the computer on a regular basis. I purchased Thursday preschool software for her to play on the computer.

The software includes skills that deal with color and shape recognition, letter and number recognition, and following directions. The componet I like the best in this software is that it introduces basic computer skills. She amazes me. She can manipulate the mouse and left click and drag items that she wants. She knows how to start, end and change activities. In just 2 days she can do more than I could when I first purchased my computer.She has more advantages than I ever had and most children her age have.

As schools integrate technology into the classroom, and the workforce demands technological skills in jobs, children who are not computer literate and technology integrated will have a disadvantage in life. I am only 37 but in that span of time, our society has traveled light years in technology. Knowing what I have seen, WHAT WILL SHE SEE AND DO! It is up to me to start her off right and give her what she needs to excel in the world of tomorrow.